Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

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Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

Not to be confused with Xtremply1's iteration of 1x1x1x1.


1x1x1x1 is an admin-spawned enemy only. It boasts a high amount of health, standing in at around one million. Moreover, 1x1x1x1 also possesses multiple abilities that can stun towers and destroy units. With its added defense, it can be a threat, especially to weaker defenses.


1x1x1x1 is a relatively tall humanoid, being around the same size as John Doe. It has grey skin, and wears a green shirt with light blue pants. Compared to other enemies, 1x1x1x1's head is shown to be way larger.


  • Towers with a high DPS are recommended for fighting 1x1x1x1. The suggested towers to use for this occasion are the Minigunner/Golden Minigunner, Turret, Ranger, and/or Accelerator (if you have it).
    • You can use the Commander's Call to Arms ability to give nearby towers a firerate boost, increasing their damage. This can only occur if your Commander is Level 2 onward.
      • You can also do a process called "chaining". This is where you use the ability one-after-another with multiple Commanders.
    • The DJ Booth is an optional choice to towers with shorter ranges.
  • You cannot slow down 1x1x1x1 whatsoever, as it is immune to all elements of slowness.
    • This means that the Freezer/Frost Blaster/Sledger cannot freeze it; all towers are restricted because of its Freeze immunity.
      • The Electroshocker/Warden's stun becomes less effective as 1x1x1x1 also has an Energy immunity.
        • The Toxic Gunner's poisoning effects also cannot be applied, seeing as how 1x1x1x1 has a Poison immunity.
          • Lastly, the Pyromancer's burn also does not work, as 1x1x1x1 possesses a Burn immunity. Regular (non-burn) damage can still harm 1x1x1x1 however.
  • 1x1x1x1's defense is increased to fifty percent. You will need defense-melting towers to handle this.
    • Towers like the Electroshocker can melt defense. Additionally, this tower can stack with other defense-melting towers, like the Freezer/Frost Blaster. Combined, these towers can remove up to 40% of 1x1x1x1's defense.
      • The Pyromancer altogether can remove up to 50% defense. This can be best combined with the Electroshocker, who removes 20%, adding up to 70%.
    • Splash damage towers ignore defense, dealing full damage to enemies. You can utilize this tactic to defeat 1x1x1x1.
      • Splash damage towers like the Demoman, Rocketeer, and Mortar are good examples of this idea; their explosives negate the defense out and can deal full damage to 1x1x1x1.
        • The bombs/missiles from the Ace Pilot/Pursuit also work on 1x1x1x1.
          • The cannons from the Tank/Railgun Tank deal splash damage, once again dealing full damage to enemies. You can use this to your advantage against 1x1x1x1.
            • Damage from the gun of both of these units will still be affected by 1x1x1x1's defense.
            • Collision damage from these units also ignores defense from these enemies, making them even more effective.
  • Have Medics at the ready, due to the high stun-potential of towers in the area.
    • Having multiple Medics is most certainly recommended, as they themselves can be very stun-prone.


Soundtrack Name Soundtrack Other Notes
Yippes - Roblox Theme Song will repeat endlessly until the enemy has been killed.


