Alisha is an optional boss in TDSFC:Regenesis, allowing for an extra challenge in order to obtain a few helping items. In order to trigger her battle, you must tell her that you wish to battle in order to protect her family member, In which only includes Phase 1, thus gaining a badge after the victory.
If not everybody has gotten Alisha's badge in the gamemode yet, They will be unable to join the "Alisha's Challenge" gamemode.
Your lives are returned to infinite, however if all players die, the fight will completely restart, with Alisha back at maximum health. Less rewards are given the more times you die to her.
Alisha appears as a boss at The Sun. (more specifically 2 waves after Aapen appears, and 3 waves before Questrok appears)
- Prep Time: Calamity Mod - Siren's Call (0:00 - 7:40)
- Phase 1 (The Sun): Final Fantasy XVI - Cascade
- Phase 1 (Alisha's Challenge): Terraria Calamity Mod - Siren's Warcry (7:40 - 15:46)
- Phase 2: Terraria Calamity Mod - Forbidden Lullaby (15:46 - 24:14)
- Desperation Phase: SSB Ultimate - Megalovania (Halloween Hack) (Muffled during the Neptune Pull resurface section)
Unique Parrying System[]
While attacking, Alisha can be parried, but at a cost. Alisha also has an energy system which caps at 15 energy. Every time Alisha uses any move that isn't M1, she uses 1 energy. She loses 1 energy every time she is parried. As for heavy parries, she loses 3 energy. When she loses all of her energy, she only uses M1 for 5 seconds before it is fully recovered.
When parrying a regular parry (yellow), Despite dealing damage back to Alisha, You take 10% of your current health in damage in return. If you parry while at 1 Health, it won't affect you.
When parrying a heavy parry (red), Despite dealing heavy damage back to Alisha, You take 25% of your current health in damage in return. If you parry while at 1 Health, it won't affect you. (During The Sun, all heavy parries are downgraded to a regular parry.)
Blue attacks are unparriable. If you even try, you lose a limb if it's a melee attack. (This does not appear during The Sun.)
- Atlantis - Greatsword
- M1 (yes that's what it's called)
- Alisha slashes once, causing a slash effect to appear. This can be parried.
- Tri-slash
- Alisha pulls out her sword and slashes 3 times, moving towards the player every time. Each slash is a RED parry, making the parry window very short. This will also summon whirlpools near her, but not right below the player or in a 10 stud radius of one.
- Ambush & Slash
- Alisha summons a portal somewhere around a random player and lunges out, if any of her body parts hit a player, they will be slashed and knocked into the air. This is unparriable.
- Alternatively, there's a 2% chance that Alisha bonks you with her hand instead, knocking you right to the ground and causing you to sit. She will then take 3 seconds to smash your head on the ground (which you cannot stand up from, this does no damage) and then resumes her battle.
- M1 (yes that's what it's called)
- Typhon - Greatbow
- Alisha pulls out a greatbow, taking a few seconds to arm it. However, once it is armed, it will shoot a massive barrage of arrows. The attack can be parried in order to cause the barrage of arrows to shoot prematurely, which will reduce the arrow's area of effect depending on how long she armed it for.
- Mizuchi - Shield
- Alisha shields herself from any attack via a huge shield for 3 seconds, which can be attacked, but will cause Alisha to parry the attack, dealing a huge chunk of your remaining health.
- Scylla - Battleaxe
- Alisha uses a battleaxe to spinslash, utilizing this attack for 6 seconds and intentionally leaving herself open for 3 seconds, taking 30% more damage during this period.
- Poseidon - Trident
- Alisha slams her trident down on the ground, spawning 6 Aqua Phalanx as minions and also causing 16 tidal waves to appear around her, knocking the player back and ragdolling them.
- Aqua Phalanx
- 2,500 Health
- 15 Damage (Strike)
- 8 Speed
- Electra - Spear
- Alisha throws a spear into the sky, causing a thunderstorm that shoots down lightning.
- Mirage Summon
- Alisha summons 3 mirages, each of them looking similar to Alisha, but can be dispelled by attacking them. They deal 0 damage with any attack, but behave the same as the main Alisha.
- Phase Transition
- Alisha transitions into her second phase when she loses all her health in phase 1.
- Alisha now switches weapons much faster (0.8s -> 0.4s)
- Changes
- Atlantis - M1
- Parry timer is slightly stricter.
- Atlantis - Tri-Slash
- Summons 3 more whirlpools from the original 3-5 whirlpools.
- Atlantis - Ambush & Slash
- Alisha lunges out of the portal faster.
- Typhon - Storm of Arrows
- Arrows take 2s longer to arm, but the area of effect grows 1.2x as fast with the minimum area of effect being 2 studs larger.
- Mizuchi - Return to Sender
- Alisha's parry deals 35% of your current health instead of 25%. This is a blue parry.
- Scylla - Spinning Slashes
- Alisha does not rest after her spin-slash.
- Poseidon - Phalanx of Tides
- Aqua Phalanx now have 4.5k health.
- Tides reach out 3 studs further.
- Spawns 3 Whirlpools.
- Electra - Thunderstorm
- Thunderstorm lasts 45s instead of 30s.
- Mirage Summon
- Summons 7 Mirages.
- Atlantis - M1
- Desperation Phase
- Alisha goes into a desperation phase at 0 Health at phase 2, using 3 moves before finally giving up.
- "Thunderous Judgement"
- 2 Banhammers appear in Alisha's hands, Allowing her to try to "ban" the player for 30 seconds. The player must dodge every single "ban", due to it dealing extremely high damage. This is unparriable.
- "Polaris' Wrath"
- Alisha summons an extreme snowstorm, slowing down players by 50% and occasionally dropping hail that ragdolls the player and deals high damage.
- "Neptune Pull"
- Alisha pulls a planet filled with water down onto the surface, leaving behind small whirlpools under them.
- Once "Neptune" hits the ground, a surge of water fills the arena, forcing the player to have to get to the surface of the water with 30 seconds of oxygen available in order to survive. The player must find bubbles in order to replenish their oxygen levels.
The Sun[]
Nerfs will be given to Alisha during The Sun. They are as follows.
- Alisha's weapon switching takes 2s instead of 0.8s.
- M1 has a 0.6s endlag that it didn't have before.
- Alisha has 7 energy instead of 15.
- Alisha only has 1 phase.
- All attacks against Alisha deals 30% more damage.
Spawning (The Sun)[]
- "I'm out so soon?"
- "Well... Hello there."
- "I was tasked with removing you from existence, however, I was forced to."
- "I will leave peacefully, unless you wish to battle for my family's safety."
- "What's your choice?"
Peace Choice[]
- "Alright, I'll check up on them to make sure they're safe."
- "If they're not, I'll return to take revenge on him."
- "Adios."
Battle Choice[]
- "Alright, if it's for the safety of them, show me your best, because I won't. Maybe you can challenge me later to see?"
- "Look at your surroundings and tell me if it was all worth it."
- "You stand before me as an enemy that I don't need to cut down, but I'll give you a challenge without casualties."
- "Humor me, friend."
- "The first hit is yours for the taking."
Messages if you don't attack after she tells you to[]
- "I'm waiting." (1 minute passed)
- "Are you waiting for me to attack?" (5 minutes passed)
- "By this point, you're likely to be disconnected, but if you aren't, I applaud you!" (20 minutes passed)
- "Do you want to strike up a conversation? No? Aw, alright." (60 minutes passed)
- "(Number of Hours Passed) hours." (Every time an hour passes)
- "At this point it's just dumb. Please go to bed." (24 hours passed)
- "It's been one week, I'm serious, please go to sleep. The server might shutdown at any moment." (7 days passed)
Unique Lines[]
- "The ol' big shield trick! It always works!" (only once, If player gets parried by Mizuchi)
- "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. You tried to fool me thrice, but failed miserably." (If the player parries the first two hits from Tri-slash but misses the parry on the third slash)
- "Let's see if you can notice who's the real me?" (Mirage Summon, only once)
- "Destroy!" (Alisha jumping out of the portal for Ambush & Slash)
- "You can't escape!" (Alisha jumping out of the portal for Ambush & Slash)
- "This will hurt." (Alisha jumping out of the portal for Ambush & Slash)
- "Begone!" (Alisha jumping out of the portal for Ambush & Slash)
- "YOU NEED TO BE MORE LIKE ME!" (If Alisha bonks you via Ambush & Slash)
- "Keep coming, I'm ready for any attack!"
- "You've died quite a bit, haven't you?" (50 deaths)
- "If you had only one life, you would be a pile of minced meat by this point." (500 deaths)
Player Victory (The Sun)[]
- "Good job, you brought me down this time, I'll return to check on my family, just in case."
- "Have a good time, and take this token so that you can return to battle whenever."
- "Ciao!"
Phase 2 Transition[]
- "Yes! You've got the spirit!"
- "i might be getting pwned by you lo" (1% chance)
Desperation Phase Transition[]
- "It's time, I'll pull no more pun- Wait, I don't even punch here."
- "ok im definitely getting pwned by you" (if phase 2's message was "i might be getting pwned by you lo")
- "bruh- i mean-" (always appears before the main defeat text if "i might be getting pwned by you lo" triggered)
- "So concludes the battle between the two of us."
- "A fitting end to this meaningless brawl defined as a challenge."
- "Willing to fail just for someone else to learn more about battles."
- "And I don't regret a second of it."
- "I'll return back to my space to rest, Bye!"
Using "Alisha's Blade"[]
- "That isn't my sword. That's a previous iteration of mine's!"
Using any basic weapon[]
- "I'm not sure if you're challenging yourself, or making it out to be a meme, but sure, go ahead."
Using the Rainbow Magic Carpet[]
- "Get that stupid manovering tool out of here, I don't ever wanna see that ever again!"
- "I mean, what were the Roblox devs thinking, A carpet that can fly you anywhere!? Seriously?!"
- "All games with it are RUINED."
- "Come on, man. I wanted to have a challenge that was on equal ground, But the magic carpet ruins EVERYTHING."
- "So no, I'm not gonna let you use it, Good luck making another one."
- "You thought you could cheat your way out of a hard battle, But it seems YOU'RE the one losing hours of progress."
- "You probably already knew about it anyways, since it's pretty obvious how much I hate fighting on uneven ground."
- "Yep, that's it. You're banned. Have a good night." (Immediately kicks the player after 5 seconds of the message showing"
Unique Player Interactions[]
- "Don't rope me into more of your schemes next time." (Questrok1)
- "Hello, son!" (Eckstermina)
- "Is that me?" (XENIXXeno2)
- "Welcome, Colonel Alastair." (CCyb3rr)
- Lament of the Leviathan (Accept Alisha's peace instead of battling her.)
- Family Protected? (Accept Alisha's battle and win.)
- A Challenge Complete (Defeat Alisha in her own challenge.)