Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

Hello, and welcome to the Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki. A place where you could find or share one of your creations of the TDS Community, before editing, take a note of the following:

  • You can go to the Building Guide to start creating models.
  • Please read our Rules and guidelines before you begin editing.
  • The Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki community is really happy to have you here, and we look forward to editing with you!
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Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki


Bacterium is an enemy created by Xtremply1. It holds a weak amount of HP, of 5 HP. In conjuction with the speed, it can make itself a threat and it usually spawns in groups.

It has no defense, early-game debut, very fast speed and no immunities.


It has green skin, dark-green pebble shirt, pants, black pebble bands on the Left Arm, and no shoes. The face is a tilted cross-face, usually from Erupter or Complicated.


  • Use the Military Base to clear out hordes of Bacteria.
    • Upgrade it so it can clear out larger hordes.
  • Use anything that can slow down the Bacterium, atleast a Toxic Gunner can do.
    • You can use high-firerate Towers such as the Minigunner to finish them of.
    • Otherwise, use an Electroshocker.


  • No Trivia available.