Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

Hello, and welcome to the Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki. A place where you could find or share one of your creations of the TDS Community, before editing, take a note of the following:

  • You can go to the Building Guide to start creating models.
  • Please read our Rules and guidelines before you begin editing.
  • The Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki community is really happy to have you here, and we look forward to editing with you!
  • Start modelling Towers and Enemies with Model Packs!


Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki


The Boss Multiply is a beast that the developers never intended to release, a beast that can clone it self rapidly making it a terribly unfair enemy to beat.


The Boss Multiply is massive, it is so massive in fact that it's legs poke out of the path and even can touch towers that is close enough but they will be stun and also little bits of it's tar falls down when it is walking splashing on the path and on the towers it counts as a Stun Touch ability. Boss Multiply is a reflective black tar skinned monster, if you look close enough you can see it wear a faint black but visible lab coat and also it also wears a belt.


  • "I don't even know how to counter it but you can freely edit the Strategy section if you have a good strategy for it."
  • It clone it self very rapidly making it almost impossible to kill if there are too much Multiplying.

