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Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki


The Continuum Gamemode contains a plethora of enemies who are very difficult to defeat, which exponentially get harder throughout the waves.



There are various buffs that can be made to an enemy during the gamemode.


Supercharges are regular buffs to an enemy, and usually include a randomization of 1.5x to 3x amplification of their abilities (mostly excluding speed). This allows them to deal more catastrophic damage than they usually would.


The second tier of buffing. Eternal, when applied to an enemy, gives them a specific weakness in exchange for a 10-15x amplification of most of their stats except speed.


When an enemy has an awakening, they gain new abilities. Most of their stats are increased over fiftyfold and can easily overcome the equivalent of endgame defenses of other hard gamemodes.


Super powerful buffs to boss entities. Some might have one, or two in special cases. The most rare ones are the Suprafictional Conference's, because each one of its members has nine. The abilities of a Siphon make an enemy thousands of times harder to defeat.


Here is a simplified version of the table, with enemies displayed by wave debut.

Detailed List[]

  • SupraHealth: Green, equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 health
  • For enemies killed, you gain the cash amount equivalent to half of their health.
Phase Subphase Wave Debut Name Enemy Base Health Spawns on Path? Enemy Base Speed (studs) Damage dealt to Blockades Ability Appearance
1 1 - Dawn of The End 1 Collapse Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 250,000 Yes 8 2500/s
  • Can spawn a smaller version of a natural disaster near it.
  • Attacks towers, dealing 250 damage per hit.
  • Shoots buildings and civilians.
  • On death, explodes.
1 Failure Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 350,000 Yes 12 7500/s
  • Spawns ten mini-sized tornadoes.
  • Attacks towers, shooting tiny projectiles toward farms.
  • Creates a 75-100 stud large forcefield where towers cannot be placed.
1 Cessation Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 500,000 Yes 12 32500/s
  • For five seconds per minute, all bullets ricochet away from it which can deal damage to towers and players.
  • Creates a mini-earthquake every 30-60 seconds, dealing 500 damage to all nearby towers.
  • Eats Medics and Evacuators.
  • On death, transforms into a singularity that spawns 5 Collapses. Take 25,000 cash away from the nearest player.
5 Delusiem Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 850,000 Yes 10 125,000/s
  • On hit, there is a 35% chance for it to not be damaged. It will then teleport 25 studs back.
  • There is a 50% chance for towers to miss this enemy and shoot away from it.
  • Infects towers, which will cause them to shoot each other.
  • Turns nearby Citizens into Collapses or Failures.
  • Summons 20 Collapses, Failures, or Cessations once every 2 minutes.
2 - The Total Collapse 15 Antecedent Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 1,750,000 Yes 16 850,000/s
  • For every enemy killed in a 100 stud radius, heal 5,000 HP.
  • Damage halved.
  • On death, destroys everything in a 50 stud radius in a split second, leaving a crater. A new path is created around the crater.
18 Fractured; Catalyst Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 1,500,000 Yes 14 -
  • Shoots the closest tower to it, dealing damage both to the tower and the player that bought it. Deals 750 damage per second.
  • Destroys blockades on contact.
20 Fractured; Overture Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 2,500,000 Yes 12 1,125,000/s
  • Jumps 20 studs ahead for every 100,000 damage dealt.
  • Jumps 20 studs back for every enemy killed in a 20 stud radius near it.
25 Hyperspatial Vortex Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 13,500,000 Yes 14 1,650,000/s
  • On arrival, summons a 1,750 stud wide blue and white tornado that moves at a speed of 250 studs per second that does not affect enemies. Deals 250 damage per second.
  • Immune to damage for 15 seconds every 2 minutes.
  • Speeds up all enemies near it by 1.5x.
3 - The Hatred of the Moon 30 Tartarus Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 42,500,000 Yes 12 2,350,000/s
  • Damage reduced from towers by 60%.
  • On arrival, the skybox immediately fades to night (if not already night) and the blood moon is in the sky. Returns to normal after defeat.
  • Summons the four Banished Disasters after one minute, in a randomized order: Hypercane, Pure Insanity, Weeping Angel, and Solar Flare.
  • Tilts the map by 45 degrees when it loses 1/4 of its health.
  • Attacks towers with a flaming sword, dealing 1,250 damage in a strike. The arc angle is 145 degrees and the distance is 50 studs.
  • After losing 1/2 of its health, summons a Category 7 Hypercane.
  • After losing 3/4ths of its health, stops moving and summons four pillars: Earth, Water, Energy, and Fire. Each pillar is randomly selected to activate after 30 seconds.
    • Earth: Creates a Magnitude 8 Earthquake in the arena, toppling buildings. Cracks in the ground kills towers if they fall into it. The enemy paths are not disrupted.
    • Water: Summons a 25-50 stud tall flood or a 50 stud tall tsunami that deals 500 damage to players and towers.
    • Energy: Summons a catastrophic lightning storm for the next 30 seconds, with lightning all over the arena striking 50 times per 2 seconds. Each lightning bolt deals 250 damage on hit.
    • Fire: Summons 3 giant meteors of 100 studs large to fall on the arena every second. The damage is 2,250 and the blast radius is 200 studs large.
  • On defeat, summons a "black hole" that consumes everything (players, towers, enemies, buildings) in a 250 stud radius, dissipating after 10 seconds.
32 Olympus Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 60,000,000 Yes 10
34 Genesis Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 55,000,000 Yes 14
36 Walton Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 56,250,000 Yes 15
38 Khonsu Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 85,000,000 Yes 8 3,750,000/s
40 The Antipode Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 125,000,000 Yes 7.5 5,500,000/s
3 23 - The Desecration of Reality 2,250 (2,150 if less than 5 Party Savestates) Metaphage Official TDS Health Percentage Icon 1,000,000,000 64 Normal:
  • Looks around with its spotlight to find towers to eat.
  • If finds a tower, nearest six Metaphages (if any) eat it together. Regains 50,000,000,000 HP.
  • Spawns 50 different EF3-5s.
  • Stabs players with mouth, dealing 50,000 damage.
  • Rams into buildings and blockades, destroying them.
  • Turns citizens in a 50 stud radius into Metaphages.

Rainshower of Metaphages:

  • Creates 50 stud shield protecting it from attacks, dissolves upon 25 hits.
  • Drags nearby towers into the ground.
  • If less than 50 Metaphages near it, spawn 20 Metaphages.


The wave structure of the Continuum Gamemode is designed to be slightly overwhelming in the beginning to give the players a sense of heightened tension, but sporadically a wave will break the new calm and make the players panic or give up entirely. There are also differences between the composition of waves and other gamemodes', where it is likely for the same type of enemies to be present from previous waves while introducing new ones.

Enemies Disasters Wave Dialogue Notes
None - Introduction Commander: Tonight marks the 5th anniversary of the fall of the True King of the Fallens and humanity's triumph over evil that had plagued us for so long. We also mark a year after the being Hypersouls was stopped by us, who had conducted an unrelenting attack on all our bases.

Commander: However we must break the urgent news to you.

Commander: One of the most powerful forces have amassed an enormous battle force aimed on defeating you and you alone.

(Random player): What? Why are they doing this?

Commander: From intel we have gained, one or more of you have aided in the destruction of "worlds beyond our own." We can't confirm this, however they certainly are intent on completely destroying us just to kill you.

Commander: Wait, what is that?

[Seam of Totality opens in the sky]


Suprafictional Conference: Hello, (player name). Don't think you could hide from us any longer now, will you? The end has come.

Commander: We will not submit to your rule!

Suprafictional Conference: That is an evident truth. We will leave once our objective is done. However, you will ANSWER TO US UNLESS YOU GIVE UP (PLAYER NAME).

Commander, Players: NEVER!

Suprafictional Conference: WELL THEN. YOUR FATE IS SEALED.

Commander: ...

Commander: This might as well be the last battle of our lives.

Suprafictional Conference: We are the Continuum. Expect that promise to be upheld.

Commander: We have reports from the world news!

BLOX-NEWS: Attention. A global emergency has been issued as mystery portals have opened all around the planet. We can also expect proliferation of natural disasters and other cataclysms. Be resilient. We have triumphed over chaos five years ago. Hold out.

Commander: What in the world is going on? It's like everything we know has been turned upside down.



Commander: Is this the end of us all?

Players: No! We will fight these people until we are all safe! Don't let them win over us now!

Commander: How can we, when all we hold dear will be torn from us soon?

Players: We will not know unless we try. Let's fight for the human race.


Suprafictional Conference: It seems that the "human race" does not look like it's holding up well. Looks like we must show you our power then.

Continuum Messenger 1: Let this be a warning for those who escaped to this world knowing the consequences that would befall the denizens of such.

Commander: All right then, bring it on.

  • 50 Collapse, 25 Failure, 15 Cessation
  • 15-20 Supercharged Collapse, 10-15 Supercharged Failure, 0-5 Supercharged Cessation
- 1 Commander: Here they come!

[Wave begins]

Commander: ...

Commander: What in the world is this?

Continuum Messenger 1: We have been watching for many, many years. Did you think we would have started off easy?

Commander: Damn you.

  • 75 Collapse, 40 Failure, 10 Cessation
  • 40-60 Supercharged Collapse
- 2 Commander: They're coming out in HORDES. It's too much!

Commander: We might have to ask for some special help if things turn out worse later.

Commander: Focus on the more powerful ones. They're going to bite you back if you don't deal with them soon enough.

  • 65 Failure, 30-35 Cessation
  • 100 Supercharged Collapse
- 3 Commander: A big one is here! Look at the back end, I can see a gigantic contingent of them! -
  • 75-80 Collapse, 50-60 Failure, 15-30 Cessation
  • 65-70 Supercharged Collapse, 25-30 Supercharged Failure
- 4 [If enemies got more than halfway through the map in the first 3 waves]

Commander: They're literally overwhelming our forces.

Continuum Messenger 1: Well, it seems you don't stand a chance against what's coming next.

[Normal, at the end of the wave]

Commander: I sense a huge ramp up in their upcoming attacks. The current ones have only been fodder compared to what they have prepared for us.

Continuum Messenger 1: Bravo! Correct!

Commander: That's not good at all-

[Wave 5 begins]

  • 500-750 Collapse, 125-215 Failure, 75-80 Cessation
  • 350-400 Supercharged Collapse, 60-90 Supercharged Failure, 20-30 Supercharged Cessation
  • 2-5 Eternal Collapse
  • 3 Delusiem
- 5 Continuum Messenger 1: Surrender yourself to what's coming.

Commander: Never!

Continuum Mesenger 1: Then you certainly deserve this.

Commander: Hey! Do you see that back there? Why are they glowing?

Commander: Uh oh...

  • 1,000-2,000 Collapse, 100-200 Failure, 50 Cessation
  • 100-200 Supercharged Collapse, 50 Supercharged Failure, 20-30 Supercharged Cessation
  • 1-3 Eternal Collapse
- 6 Commander: Am I seeing things correctly? There's no way they have amassed such large numbers and are throwing it at us. Not even the previous factions could do this much.

Scout: Commander! We have a message from HQ. United Nations is calling us.

Commander: Hello? The battlefield out here is hell. What do you mean, fifty million-

Commander: ...

Commander: So many of our people, dead. This is the wrath we have incurred for "choosing our own path," eh? We were fools.

Scout: Don't worry. We might be able to get through this! I'm praying for us to live.

Continuum Messenger 1: These aren't even our own forces. These are just byproducts of reality beginning to fold in on itself. You won't even live to see a single one of OUR soldiers invade.

Scout: Wait, then what was that thing in the sky? Are they not here now?

Commander: Don't you even TRY intimidating us. Last time, it didn't work.

Continuum Messenger 1: We don't need to intimidate you. The cracks are already showing in your resolve, but you're trying to conceal it. Or do I see resignation?

Commander: SHUT UP!

  • 500 Supercharged Collapse, 500 Supercharged Failure, 500 Supercharged Cessation
  • 25 Eternal Collapse
- 7 Scout: Commander, our defenses aren't standing a chance against them at this rate.

Continuum Messenger 1: Well well well. Are you giving up? Commander: All forces, get ready to bunker down. I have reason to believe they might be able to unleash at least a hundred waves of enemies at us, but we're not sure. This is going to be a long campaign. Continuum Messenger 1: If something didn't seem off beforehand to you, maybe you wouldn't have been blinded by your victories. What if I were to tell you something important? You wouldn't have the chance to stand against us.

Commander: You might be in our comms now but you will be under the ground when I see you!

Continuum Messenger 1: Actually, if I were you, you would be running by the next wave. Good luck, er, well, should I be wishing that on my enemy when there's nothing left for them in the end?

  • 750-1,250 Collapse, 600-950 Failure, 450-750 Cessation, 5-15 Delusiem
  • 600-700 Supercharged Collapse, 450-650 Supercharged Failure, 350-500 Supercharged Cessation, 0-5 Supercharged Delusiem
  • 10-30 Eternal Collapse
- 8 Scout: This can't be real, can it? There's thousands of enemies they're throwing at us?

Commander: Well, nobody has THAT much power at their disposal. The only ones I've seen were the Suredi Kingdom and the Imperial Fallen World Coalition. And I do remember that they aren't our forces.

Scout 3: Commander, please don't talk about the Suredi near me. I lost my best friend in that war, and I can't stand to lose the love of my life out there now.

Scout 2: Commander! Your request for assistance has arrived! However, we do need to focus on what we have now. It will be enough to hold them 'til reinforcements arrive.

If there are no Supercharged Delusiem, the existing Delusiem will have double health.
  • 5000 Collapse, 150 Delusiem
  • 2500 Supercharged Collapse, 50 Supercharged Delusiem
  • 50-100 Eternal Collapse
- 9 Commander: Even though there's so many top generals in this camp, it feels lively enough with you people.

Scout 2: Thanks. We'll need it for the coming hours.

Scout: [calling] Hey, the commander needs your forces near the front group, not the back. Clear out the path! Yes, that one over there. May Shedletsky be with us all.

[After the wave ends]

Continuum Messenger 1: Now that I think about it, this will take a long time to get rid of you. I've seen your kind's resilience, and it makes everyone else look like cowards. Oh well then, let's see how you fare against the next wave.

  • 1,100-1,860 Collapse, 900-1,450 Failure, 850-1,200 Cessation, 90-220 Delusiem
  • 850-1,350 Supercharged Cessation, 700-975 Supercharged Failure, 600-825 Supercharged Cessation, 30-75 Supercharged Delusiem
  • 45-90 Eternal Collapse, 5-10 Eternal Failure, 0-3 Eternal Cessation
  • 3 Tornadoes (EF0-EF3)
10 Commander: Actual tornadoes? How did they get here?

Scout 2: Looks like the weather's now on their side.

Scout: Hey! I got connection to the news! Look how bad it got.

BLOX-NEWS: Reports of over 50 million casualties have been reported due to the disasters. Power outages have been recorded across the world and communications are knocked out in various cities due to the invasion. We have military confirmation that the enemy has already advanced by twenty miles in areas of Northern Washington and Northern Montana on the western front. Alaska and the Northwest Territories are now under full enemy control, with losses reported in Sasketchewan and Alberta already. We-

Commander: Damn it! They're advancing too quick. How are we faring down there?

Scout 3: It looks like they've... connected towers to the power grid? I can't see what's going on.

Commander: [Grabs binoculars]: You're right.

Scout 3: It doesn't look good out there. We need to call more forces in.

Commander: There's no time for that. They have to hold it off before more reinforcements arrive.

  • 1,450-2,300 Collapse, 1,250-1,675 Failure, 350-1,300 Cessation, 150-325 Delusiem
  • 500 Supercharged Collapse, 500 Supercharged Failure, 500 Supercharged Cessation, 250 Supercharged Delusiem
  • 250-300 Eternal Collapse
- 11 Commander: At this rate... we're done for.

Scout 3: How... How do we even stop this?

Scout 1: I'm not even going to ask anymore. This "Continuum" is behind this. But I know what will happen. We just have to survive a few hundred waves before we make it out.

Scout 2: Commander! A message has arrived! It's addressed to... What the!?
