Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

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Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

The Corrupted Mage is the most spawned summoning enemy in Flawed Mode. This makes it a pain.


The Corrupted Mage is an extremely annoying summoning enemy with 500 HP. It can summon enemies and give them various buffs, such as more HP. What makes things even more annoying is that this enemy also has hidden, but paintballers can easily counter this problem. Corrupted Mages first spawn in Wave 6. If it couldn't get worse, the corrupted mage will occasionally throw a scepter at the base, dealing five damage, although this can easily be exploited via the use of Medics.

Corrupted Mage's Summoning Buffs
Name of Enemy Normal HP Buffed HP Normal Sheild Buffed Sheild Immunities Given Side-Effects Other Buffs
Normalised 11 20 None 11 None Given. None None
Hasty Normalised 8 16 None None Frost None Speed Changed from Very Fast to Very Very Fast.
Model 5 15 None None Electricity None Can speed up enemies around them.
Faded 20/40 30/90 None 10 None None Can now respawn twice.
Nuclear Brute 355 1,000 None 50 Frost None None
Flawed 50,000 51,000 None None None None Speed Changed from Very Very Slow to Below Average
BIOHAZARD-250 30,000 30,000 None 10,000 Non-Bullet Damage BIOHAZARD-250's Hitbox is 2x bigger. 5% faster than usual.
Tungsten 100 100 20 50 None Now Vunerable to RAM Damage None
Normalised Hidden 23 96 None 4 None 2x less fast. None