"THREAT DETECTED, MOVING IN TO EXPUNGE." -Expunge before he first enters the map.
Expunge is a boss-like enemy that later spawns like a normal enemy in the Put Them To Rest event. He is an enthralled Normal Boss with amputations and other modifications. He has some defense due to his armor but still retains his below average speed rating. Though he has 5000 health points, making him a tough enemy to face when you fight him.
He has green arms, a brown torso and brown legs. Some grey footwear, a large metallic lower right arm, a light grey chain wrapped around his left wrist, a large grey piece of body armor, a turret attached to a shoulder piece, a belt of ammunition being fed into said turret and a light grey metal mask surgically implanted onto his face with a light yellow glow coming out from it's opening.
"I have no idea what the hell this thing is supposed to be made for. I came across it a few weeks ago during a trip to this abandoned facility a Hazmat unit failed to cleanse. Unlike the other cyber zombies, this thing doesn't have much of a purpose other than to cause destruction. But we have many robots and other do-hickeys that do that fine. It's an enthralled Normal boss with cybernetic limbs and attachments. When we inspected one's corpse it seemed like the large mask it had was surgically implanted. It's lower right arm had been completely sliced off to replace it with a large metallic arm. A turret was attached to the left shoulder of the thing.
It looked similar to the metallic lower right arm. It was able to fire these special bullets that were akin to plasma bolts when fired. They traveled fast and pierced through most tough material easily. We brought in a live specimen one day, minus the more 'lethal' parts of it like the turret. It was resistant to being frozen and being affected by most energy based attacks. Our most capable Rangers did nearly nothing to it. Yet somehow our normal Turrets managed to cause immense pain to it. We could hear it scream in agony through the mask.
Normal bosses usually don't feel pain. But this one did, I have no idea what the hell these people who created these things did to the poor fellas. But I feel bad for them."
- Utilize towers like Electroshocker and Pyromancer to melt his defense away while stopping him in his tracks to allow other towers like Minigunner and Ranger to deal the most damage.
- Expunge's Fire ability has a 15 stud radius and has a lower chance to hit towers on cliffs like Ranger and Mortar. Take advantage.
- In later waves when he comes in droves his stun abilities can be a big problem. So make sure to have your towers with the ability to attack from long ranges be placed in spots where they're able to get the first hits in.
- DJ Booth can help make sure more towers are able to attack from longer distances for cheaper. This can help with the last strategy.
- Commander, like always, is recommended to take care of enemies like Expunge.
- Expunge's arm turret is loosely based off of the Transformers character: Starscream's signature weapon: The Null-Ray.
- Expunge is also loosely based off the Enthralled Zerg from StarCraft 2.