Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

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Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

"The Commander still isn't here. All we heard last round was just random people saying stuff."
Player 1


Fungi is an enemy created by Xtremply1. It holds a weak health of 7, surpassing the Astral.

Fungi wields an early debut, above average speed, and nothing else effective.


Fungi has grime skin, green pebble shirt, pants and bracelet in the Left Arm. The face are 2 acute and obtuse angles, forming the letter X.


  • Fungi is an early-game enemy, so pretty much anything can kill it.
    • Be aware that some projectile towers, like the Paintballer, might not be able to hit the Fungi with maximum damage due to slow projectile speed. Try to set those towers to target Closest for a greater chance of hitting.
  • Two Minigunners can easily annihilate the Fungi, even in hordes.
  • If you want to farm without loosing base health, rely on the Military Base, Humvee 1 and 2 can pretty much clear hordes of Fungi.