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Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki

Vanitas is considered straight up impossible to beat.
Reason: Unimaginably high health and stats, map manipulation, statistics manipulation, overall mechanics that make this boss rigged unless you actually know what the hell you're doing.

Vanitas is the (50-55th?) boss in the Continuum Gamemode. He is the final boss for the second section of Act 3: As God Cried Out in Anguish, and appears between the 2,700th and 2,750th wave of the Continuum Gamemode. It is one of the hardest enemies to defeat in the game, but one of the easiest bosses to defeat in the Continuum Gamemode, owing to the fact that the later bosses are incomprehensibly more challenging to defeat, let alone damage. Boasting over fifty abilities of exponentially increasing destruction, this is usually the first stopping point of any megaserver campaigns.


Vanitas is not that difficult to design.

General Appearance[]

Vanitas has no visible armor, merely his red pulsating cracked skin bearing the brunt of attacks. He has a dark black and red aura surrounding him, and his face is covered by an 8-pointed white star. Ingame, the star always faces toward your camera regardless of what angle you're looking at him from. There are two white halos over his head. Behind him are two sets of white/red lighting arcs, then two ornate panes of floating glass circles with designs on them.

Dreaded's Design[]

Ten Fractals[]

uh oh

Strategy (Wave and Boss)[]


The first stage to defeating Vanitas is imperative to prepare for the strategy of beating the boss in its following two phases.

  • At this point, any normal towers that deal damage are useless, even if you upgrade them to the maximum. You will need the strongest towers from different modes just to deal with the armies below. Thanks to the modifiers in the Continuum Gamemode, you will be able to spam towers endlessly, however the special tower types introduced in CG will accrue a majority of the damage in the wave.
    • For example, it would be best to use towers like Alisha and Dark Supercarriers that formerly had limited placement counts to clear the enemies surging in front of Vanitas (as they have been nerfed and buffed respectively). However, by the time you reach the second Continuum Soldier contingent, they will be rendered obsolete.
  • Use the Sixth Commander's Nero Protocol ability or the Human Wave ability to rush the enemy with numbers.
  • It is advised to set towers' and blockaders' autonomous movement to Independence, as the abilities that the boss and other enemies use would quickly kill any stationary opponent.
  • Keep towers far apart, and group them by players and alliances in a general area. Do not stay near buildings as they will certainly collapse.
  • Stay at least 500 studs away from the boss at all times. Some of its abilities can kick you from the game. Its detection range for players is only 300 studs in normal form, however this rapidly increases to 1,250 in Ten Fractals.
  • Make sure to set up your massive arsenal of Counterstrikes, Incursions, Orbitals, Firmaments and Totalities at least 10 waves before the actual wave. It is most certain that you will lose a majority of them. Once 95% of the enemies in the wave have been defeated, set all movements to Independent and have all of them lock in on Vanitas.
    • If you have at least five Orbitals of Rank V or higher, cast the Multitude Array over the arena. This will block most of the Meteor Showers, Solar Flares, or Gamma Rays that will inevitably destroy your towers if not maintained.
      • Set shield power to 35% and offensive power to 50%. The remaining 25% should be stored away for possible movement.
      • Set shield material to 20% and offensive material to 80%.
    • Orbitals above Rank IV should ALWAYS be near the entrance to the map. However, you should deploy Rank III Vertex class Aerial Piercing Drones to break through some of the lower-tier shields.
      • Supreme DJ Booths and Supreme DJ Arrays must be stationed on every single Orbital to maximize the firerate.
    • As Incursion minimum distance increases to 1,250 studs away from the entrance, deploy them at the edges of the semicircle created by the no-deployment zone. It is best to deploy Tier 7 Ranged and Assist teams at a consistent rate (at least 3 every 2 minutes)
    • You need a large squadron of roughly 200 or more High-Rate Geos Counterstrikes or High-Range Sulpha Counterstrikes directly facing the entrance. Protect them using as much Blockades as feasibly possible due to the firepower exerted in this wave.
    • The Gridlock system will usually be a major target of the enemies, so set up a team of around ten players to guard and man the superweapons built there, along with a majority of their towers.
    • Totality towers must be linked to the Gridlock system at all times. This will ensure that the (if you have prepared the batteries as much as possible) 35% increased voltage will reach them at all times, activating the 15% defense boost and 20% fire rate boost.
      • Totalities should be lined up in square blocks of 4x5 with gaps of 20 studs in between. This will minimize voltage and processing malfunctions.
      • Blockades accompanying them should always be on the left and right sides.